Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The 2010 Kansas Teacher of the Year is...

All previous Kansas Teachers of the Year in attendance pose for a picture with Karen Tritt, 2010 KTOY (sitting front and center)

Karen Tritt!!!! Karen is a Spanish teacher at Shawnee Mission West High School and will represent teachers across our state for the next year. The journey she, and the 2010 KTOY Team, begins today is life-changing in so many ways. As my team met with the "new" team, I was overcome with emotion. The opportuni! ties, experiences, and friendships that I have had the past year is hard to put into words. Trying to communicate what the year will be like for them was difficult.

What I am feeling can best be summed up by the lyrics to the song "For Good" (from the musical Wicked):

(Elphaba) I'm limited
Just look at me - I'm limited

And just look at you
You can do all I couldn't do,
So now it's up to you

For both of us - now it's up to you...

(Glinda) I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason

Bringing something we must! learn
And we are led

To those who help us most to grow

If we let them
And we help them in return

Well, I don't know if I believe that's true

But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun

Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood

Who can say if I've been changed for the better?

But because I knew you

I have been changed for good

aba) It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you

You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart

And now whatever way our stories end

I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...

Like a s
hip b lown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird

In a distant wood

Who can say if I've been changed for the better?

But because I knew you

Because I knew you

I have been changed for good.

TA-DAAAA....The 2009 KTOY Team saying Goodbye!
We have all been "changed for the better."

reflexive property

March, my birthday, and I'm still here!

Hi Readers! I am still here responding to people's requests for homework help, I just don't post the answers on my blog as much anymore. But rest assured, I am still here answering your emails.

Also, to celebrate my birthday this week, I invite you to partake in this fun online gaming experience called "Auditorium"!


I enjoyed it so much that I played it all the way through on my first sitting!

online help math

How to make a calculator work with a homemade battery

Question: Can you make a calculator work with a homemade battery?
Hypothesis: The vinegar will react with the wire and the galvanised nail to make electricity to charge the calculator.

Equipment: 2 galvanised nails, 2 bits of of masking tape, 1 marker, 3 wires, 2 cups, White Vinegar and a battery powered calculator.

Method: 1.The two cups are filled with vinegar and tape is put over the cups,it is pierced and marked positive and negative. 2.The nails are put into the negative end of the tape and a wire is put into the positive end and the other end of the wire is tied around the nail on the other cup. 3.Another wire is tied around the last nail and the last wire is put into the last positive hole and both wires are put into each end of the battery place in the calculator.

Observation: When the wires are hooked up to the calculator it turns on.

Explanation: The calculator worked because when the nail and the wire went into the vinegar it created negative and positive particles and the ! negative particles went through the wires and into the calcula! tor and turned it on.

negative and positive calculator

Climbing Nasturtium "Spitfire"

Nasturtiums are my favorite annual to plant in the garden because they're very versatile plants. They're easy to start from seed, they produce beautiful, edible blooms and they grow very well in poor soils. Whether I plant them in the ground or in containers nasturtiums never ask for much attention. In fact, nasturtiums in my garden thrive on benign neglect. I plant nasturtium seeds early in the spring and forget about them until it is time to collect nasturtium seeds. Last year I grew Climbing Nasturtium "Moonlight" in the garden for the first time, this year I'm growing Nasturtium, Climbing, "Spitfire."

Nasturtium Spitfire, red Nasturtium bloom

Given my experience growing nasturtium "Moonlight" last year I was already prepared for how nasturtium "Spitfire" would react to growing in my garden. The microclimate in the garden must be too warm for the climbing varieties of nasturtium. I'm not complaining, really, the same microclimate allows my Voodoo Lily to overwinter. The climbing nasturtiums don't seem to start vining, or sending out long shoots, until about August. If you read the post on "Moonlight" you'll see that the day after I complained about them not vining or trailing to Renee's Garden the plant sent out a long vine. "Spitfire" is a couple of weeks ahead of where "Moonlight" was last year. Today I had vines long enough to actually start training them up the bamboo stakes in the cinder block pots I planted them in.
Nasturtium Spitfire Flower bud, climbing nasturtium

As the flower bud opens "Spitfire" looks like it will be a really red nasturtium bloom, but as you can see from the photo above it is more orange than red. Renee's Garden, who I got these seeds from, describes them as a "scarlet orange." The bloom color looks like molten lava to me.

Climbing Nasturtium Spitfire Foliage

"Spitfire" has foliage that is an average green, unlike some nasturtiums that have a blueish hue to them, the darker foliage of nasturtium "Empress of India," or the variegated foliage of  nasturtium "Alaska."  When the foliage gets long enough to start training up a support structure like a trellis or a fence all you have to do it wind the longest stems up and around. Some stems may break near the tips but they'll quickly be covered up my more vines and leaves, and of course more blooms.

In my garden nasturtiums continue to grow well after the first frost and won't die down completely until we get a really good freeze. This being my second year of growing climbing nasturtiums I think I've exhausted my interest in growing them. While they're my favorite garden annual I think the climbing varieties don't perform as well in the heat of summer as the mounding varieties. Next year I'm going back to performing nasturtium diversity and planting several varieties at the same time.

Where to Plant Nasturtiums. 
The mounding varieties of nasturtium look beautiful planted at the edges of garden beds or paths. Even in containers or window boxes they spill over the sides of pots enough to add interest and movement. The climbing nasturtium varieties like "Spitfire" and "Moonlight" would also work well as a ground cover, if you don't want to train them up a support or drape them over the side of balcony gardens.

Previous Posts on Nasturtiums:

Collecting Nasturtium Seeds Video.

mounding annual

March, my birthday, and I'm still here!

Hi Readers! I am still here responding to people's requests for homework help, I just don't post the answers on my blog as much anymore. But rest assured, I am still here answering your emails.

Also, to celebrate my birthday this week, I invite you to partake in this fun online gaming experience called "Auditorium"!


I enjoyed it so much that I played it all the way through on my first sitting!

free math answers

Graphing - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

If you have two lines on a graph, and you have determined their equations or slopes, you may be asked if the two lines are parallel or perpendicular to each other.

Parallel lines are at the same angle and will never cross... like two railroad tracks. It doesn't matter what direction the lines travel. As long as they are going the same way, they are parallel. In mathematical terms, two lines are said to be parallel if they have the exact same slope.

So, y = 3x + 5 and y = 3x + 200 are parallel lines (they differ in their y-intercepts, but they have the same slope m).

Perpendicular lines have a bit of a twist to them. Two lines are perpendicular if they cross (remember, any two straight lines that are NOT parallel will cross at a single point) and they form a 90 degree angle. eg. The x-axis and y-axis are perpendicular to each other. Mathematically, if line 1 has a sl! ope of m1, then a perpendicular line 2 will have a slope m2=(-1/m1)... that is, it's slope will be the negative inverse of the first.

Try it out... y=2x + 1 and y= (-1/2)x +5... m1=2 and m2=(-1/2). Check it out on the graph to see that they indeed form a 90 degree angle where they intersect.

To determine if lines are parallel or perpendicular, all you need to know is their slopes!

find the slope and y intercept

Visualizing Functional Groups

I told you that I would post more functional groups and I meant it. But I also want to make the ones I've already introduced clear. And condensed structures can confuse people. I heard you're easily confused. So we'll spend a bit more time getting acquainted with these. I think I covered the hydrocarbons well enough, so we'll focus on functional groups that contain heteroatoms.

More about alcohols
The nature of the carbon that the hydroxyl group is attached to determines the type of alcohol here. First, there's a primary alcohol...
Note that the carbon attached to oxygen is attached to only one other carbon (in the R group). In a secondary alcohol, this carbon is attached to two other carbon atoms...
And as you might have guessed, in a tertiary alcohol, that carbon is bonded to three other carbons...
< img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 320px; height: 240px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgFX30YjFCSZ_bPZ_QXyfM1F557qrPRoUyPylYxpSW4iZtaHQ9MvEsSLtydSdabP2h-EsfqXwuUzUOHxowqtl6DxcLeMetDI26iIpUfRVNzC641D0Dt-McOIxcGKMfnKv9DGdrgODb7DiCM/s320/tertiary+alcohol.bmp" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5378638103483465426" border="0" />If you were thinking that a quaternary alcohol would be one in which that carbon is attached to four other carbons, you sure are dumb. Carbon is tetravalent. You remember that, don't you? It can't form five bonds. There is no such thing as a quaternary alcohol.

If you were wondering, whether an alcohol is primary, secondary, or tertiary has important implications for its chemical properties, hence the distinction. This is also the case with amines, as I already alluded to, but in that case, it's how many carbons the nitrogen is attached to that determine which type of amine the molecule is. So there's some cool new information for you. But now for some clarity on material I alrea! dy covered in my last post.

Visualizing aldehydes & ketones
Here's the Lewis structure of an aldehyde...

And here, for contrast, is a ketone...
Notice the big difference: with an aldehyde, the oxygen is at the end of a chain and with a ketone, the oxygen is attached to a carbon that is somewhere in the middle of a chain. These structures both have a "carbonyl" group and their chemical properties are often similar, but they can be different in important ways and this distinction is certainly worth remembering.

Carboxylic acids and friends
Carboxylic acids get several other classes of compounds grouped with them as "derivatives of carboxylic acids" quite literally because carboxylic acids can be used to make these other compounds. I won't cover all of them because there's a whole chapter on this stuff and it's way later in my textbook. But because you're! slow, I worry about your ability to even deduce the general appearance of these groups from a condensed structure. So here's a carboxylic acid...
Like the aldehydes and ketones, there's a carbon double-bonded to an oxygen and single-bonded to an R-group. But the fourth bond isn't to hydrogen or another carbon. It's to oxygen, which itself is attached to hydrogen. Remember acidity? You know, that thing the last chapter was all about and such. And maybe you even remember that in my "Aspirin" post I said, of th! e carboxylic acid, "This arrangement of atoms makes it easy fo! r a cert ain reaction to occur. That reaction is a Brønsted-Lowry acid-base reaction." Really, it's not familiar. Whatever. That proton can totally come off.

Since I like functional groups so much, here are some more in condensed structure...

Acyl halide
R—COX (like a carboxylic acid, but with the second oxygen replaced by a halogen)

Imine (imino group)
R=N—R' (these come in multiple varieties and I haven't really studied them yet)

Peroxide (peroxy group)
R—O—O—R' (the oxygens are actually attached to one another)

Nitrile (cyano group)

Enough. We will now cover new functional groups as they come up.

do the following have a ketone functional group?

Prostate Cancer Calculators

[Updated August 18, 2010]

Types of Predictive Calculators

. In [Full text] [PMID: 19918337] Lowrance (papers) and Scardino (papers) discuss predictive models for prostate cancer covering methods that use ris! k classifications (e.g. d'Amico risk groups), tables (e.g. Partin tables), risk scores (e.g. CAPRA score), nomograms (e.g. Kattan nomograms)) and systems pathology which refers to using a wider range of variables than the traditional clinical variables (e.g. Aureon Labs' Px method). See [Table 1]. Future methods will likely incorporate genetic inputs to improve prediction accuracy. The authors point out that the need to discretize variables into a number of groups potentially reduces the accuracy of risk classifications, tables and risk scores whereas nomograms do not suffer from this problem (however, whether this potential loss of prediction accuracy is material is not discussed).

Comprehensive CalculatorsThere are two particularly comprehensive prostate cancer calc! ulator s ites plus a range of nomograms on a third site. The links to the first two are easy to remember since their links are nearly the same: http://www.nomogram.org (University of Montreal) and http://www.nomograms.org (Sloan Kettering). The Sloan Kettering site ends in "s" whereas the University of Montreal site does not. The Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) site contains 9 nomograms, i.e. charts that can be used like calculators.

A. Memorial Sloan Kettering Calculators. To access the Sloan Kettering online calculators go to http://www.nomograms.org and then click on Prostate in left hand column. That takes you to a new page and on that click on Open calculator in box in upper right. When new window appears click on "No". The following calculators are provided:
  • Pretreatment! calculator: Given PSA, Gleason Subscores, Stage & treatment get prob of disease involvement and disease free progression after 5 years for each of surgery, external radiation and seeds.

  • Post treatment calculator: Given PSA, surgical margin and disease involvement get prob of disease free progression in 2, 5 and 7 years.

  • Hormone refractory calculator: Given Age, Karnofsy PS, Heomglobin, PSA, LDH, Alkaline Phosphates and Albumin get 1 year, 2 year and median survival probabilities.

  • Prostate Volume Calculator: Given dimensions & PSA calculate volume & PSA density.

  • Life Expectancy: Given age and race calculate male life expectancy.

  • PSA Doubling Time: Given series of dates and PSA values calculate doubling time, slope of log(PSA) vs. time curve and PSA velocity. This calculator does have the restriction that it cannot accept PSA values less than 0.1 which! may be a problem if you are using an ultrasensitive PSA assay! . In th at case enter all your PSA values as 10x or 100x the real PSA value and the doubling time computed will still be correct.
B. University of Montreal Cancer Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit has a suite of calculators at http://www.nomogram.org. This site is frequently updated with prostate cancer calculators (as well as for other urological conditions) for a wide variety of situations:
  • Before Diagnosis. There are 6 pre-biopsy calculators which can be used prior to biopsy to give the probability of biopsy results. The first is used if PSA is in the 0 - 2.5 ng/ml range, the second is for initial extended biopsy, the third is for extended repeat biopsy, the fourth is for saturation b! iopsy, the fifth is for 120 day mortability after biopsy based on a comorbidity score and the sixth is for initial sextant biopsy.
  • Before Treatment I. There are calculators to predict the probability of Gleason sum upgrade, extra capsular extension, seminal vesicle invasion and lymph node invasion. (Regarding Gleason Score upgrading, note this 2008 paper on factors making Gleason Score upgrade more likely here: [PMID: 18207180] which finds that "A total of 134 patients (50%) were upgraded postoperatively to Gleason score 7 or higher. Preoperative prostate specific antigen greater than 5.0 ng/ml (p = 0.036), prostate weight 60 gm or less (p = 0.004) and more cancer volume at biopsy, defined by cancer involving greater than 5% of the biopsy tissue (p = 0.002), greater than 1 biopsy core (p is less than 0.001) or greater than 10% of any core (p = 0.014), were associated with pathological upgrading. Upgraded patients we! re more likely to have extraprostatic extension and positive s! urgical margins at radical prostatectomy (p is less than 0.001 and 0.001, respectively". A second 2008 paper [PMID: 18782303] concluded that "Men with a higher PSA level, perineural invasion and high-volume cancer at biopsy are most likely to be upgraded, while men with a large prostate volume and low-volume cancer at biopsy are more likely to be downgraded. These findings have implications for men with prostate cancer managed without confirmation by RP of their true GS.". Also [PMID: 18778348] concludes that " risk of upgrading is a function of two opposing contributions: (i) a more aggressive phenotype in smaller prostates and thus increased risk of upgrading; and (ii) more thorough sampling in smaller prostates and thus decreased risk of upgrading. When sampled more thoroughly, the phenotype association dominates and smaller prostates are linked with an increased risk of upgrading. In less tho! roughly sampled prostates, these opposing factors nullify, resulting in no association between prostate size and risk of upgrading. These findings help to explain previously published disparate results of the importance of prostate size as a predictor of Gleason upgrading.")
  • Before Treatment II. There are calculators for calculating the probability of clinically insignificant prostate cancer, the probability of predominantly transition zone prostate cancer, probability of survival within 30 days of surgery and the probability of 10 year survival.
  • After Surgery. There are post op calculators for the probability of PSA recurrence, Local recurrence, Distant recurrence and prostate cancer specific survival.
  • After PSA Relapse. There are calculators for the probability of Metastatic progression, mortality for surgical patients undergoing subsequent hormone therapy and mortality after PSA relapse.
  • Hormone Refractory! Prostate Cancer. There is a calculator for the probabili! ty of su rvival for patients with androgen independent prostate cancer.
  • Other. At the bottom of its calculators page the University of Montreal has doubling time and Life expectancy calculators.
  • Blackberry Calculators. There are downloadable calculators for the Blackberry. See the May 29, 2010 news item on the New Features page.

C. Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI). The PCRI has the following nomograms on its site:
  • Probability of Extracapsular Extension
  • Probability of Seminal Vesicle Involvement
  • Probability of Lymph Node Involvement with Tumor
  • Probability of Latent or Indolent Tumors of Low Biological Aggressiveness
  • Probability of Metastases Five Years After 3D Conformal EBRT
  • Probability of Being Disease-Free Five Years After Brachytherapy
  • Prob! ability of Median Survival in Castrate Refractory Patients
  • Probability of an Abnormal Bone Scan

Other Calculators

. d'Amico Risk Categories. Although not a calculator, a useful classification is the d'Amico risk category stratifying disease into Low, Medium and High Risk. More is available in the third paragraph here.

Also check out these calculators:

Wolfram Alpha provides a box in which you enter a query and find out where among the population you stand on various medical tests, e.g. enter one of these:
psa 5 age 60
vitamin d 25 age 60 male
bmi 25 age 60 male
life expectancy age 60 male
blood pressure 125/75 age 60 male
ldl cholesterol 125 age 60 male
hdl cholesterol 50 age 60 male
or if you omit the test value then it gives the population reference range, e.g. enter:
psa age 60

  • SWOP. A site with several calculators is the http://prostate-riskindicator.com/via.html site, also referred to as SWOP, of The Prostate Cancer Research Foundation is closely related to the Department of Urology of the Erasmus MC, University and Medical Centre of Rotterdam.
    • Risk indicator 1 is ba! sed on questions related to urinary frequency. It is assumed that no testing has yet been done.
    • Risk indicator 2 is based on the result of a PSA test.
    • The next three indicators seem to have disappeared from the site but in case they return they are based on ultrasound results (0/1), digital rectal exam (0/1), prostate volume (ml) and PSA (ng/ml).
      • Risk indicator 3 allows a more precise prediction of a positive biopsy than indicator 2 because it includes the results of the rectal examination, the ultrasonography (hypoechogenic lesions yes or no?), and of the volume of the prostate determined at ultrasonography. Each of these parameters has independent value in predicting biopsy outcome (Roobol et al, Prostate 2006).
      • Risk indicator 4 is based on 10890 men who were previously screened, had a serum PSA < 4.0 ng/ml and were not biopsied. Of these men 1921 were biopsied 4 years later for PSA progression to = 3.0 ng/ml, 430 cancers were found (PPV 22.4%).
      • Risk i! ndicator 5 is based on 989 men who were previously screened, w! ere biop sied and had no cancer. These men were again biopsied 4 years later with PSA values = 3.0 ng/ml, 120 cancers were found (PPV 12.1%). Both, a negative previous screen and, more importantly, a prior negative biopsy significantly decrease the risk of a later positive biopsy.
    • Risk indicator 6, also recently gone missing from the site, calculates the chance of having indolent prostate cancer which may not require immediate treatment. It uses Gleason Score, mm of cancer in biopsy, mm healthy tissue in biopsy, prostate volume (cc) and PSA (ng/ml).
  • PSA Velocity. This site provides a raw PSA velocity as well as one adjusted for hemodilution (i.e. taking into account a lower than otherwise PSA value due to dilution in a large amount of blood normally associated with obesity). The PSA Velocity Calculator is also mentioned in this Medical News Today artic! le.
  • Risk prior to medical tests. This calculator from Harvard requires no medical tests as inputs -- only age, height, consumption of animal fat, consumption of tomatos, vasectomy, family history and race. http://www.yourdiseaserisk.harvard.edu/hccpquiz.pl?lang=english&func=home&quiz=prostate

  • Risk prior to biopsy. Eric Klein (papers) of the Cleveland Clinic recommends biopsy to his patients if this risk calculator assesses the risk o! f prostate cancer to exceed 10% in this paper: [Full Text] [PMID: 19652036]. The calculator gives risk of prostate cancer and risk of advanced prostate cancer given: Race, Age, PSA level in ng/ml, Family History of Prostate Cancer, Digital Rectal Examination results, Prior Prostate Biopsy and whether the patient is taking finasteride.
  • Risk prior to biopsy. Given PSA score, DRE, prior biopsy results, race, age and family history, this gives the chance of biopsy finding prostate cancer as well as the chance of Gleason 7 or higher prostate cancer: http://www.compass.fhcrc.org/edrnnci/bin/calculator/main.asp based on [PMID: 16622122] [Full Text]

  • Partin Tables Prob of disease involvement given PSA, GS and stage. http://urology.jhu.edu/prostate/partintables.php Also see [PMID: 11744442] [Full Text] and [PMID: 17572194] [Full Text]

  • Probability of Lymph Node Involvement. The Yale Formula for the probability that prostate cancer has spread to the lymph nodes is [GS - 5] x [PSA/3 + 1.5 x T], where GS is gleason score, PSA is Prostate Specific Antigen level and T = 0, 1, and 2 for cT1c, cT2a, and cT2b/cT2c. For example, a GS of 7 with a PSA of 6 and staging of cT2c (i.e. 2) would give a (7-5) x (6/3 + 1.5 x 2) = 10% chance of lymph node invo! lvement. In [PMID: 2! 0594769] find that if such involvement is predicted when the formula gives a probability of over 15% then its sensitivity is 39% (i.e. among those whose cancer has spread 39% will have a Yale Formula score of over 15%) and its specificity is 94.9% (i.e. among those whose cancer has not spread 94.9% will have a Yale formula score of less than 15%).

  • PCRI calculators. http://www.prostate-cancer.org/tools/software/software.html

  • Doubling Time Calculators. This material has been moved to a 4 part series of posts on PSA Doubling Time (PSADT)

  • Radiation Disease Free Probability Excel Spreadsheet. http://www.prostate-cancer-radiotherapy.org.uk/calculator.htm

  • Radiation O! ncology Calculators for Palm. http://radonc.usc.edu/USCRadOnc/Downloadable/PalmOS/PalmPrograms.html

  • Life Expectancy without Treatment. This calculator provides an estimate of life expectancy based on conservative management. It is based on [PMID: 20141675]. Also see this discussion in prostatecancerinfolink.

  • Life Expectancy Tables. These are not online calculators but rather are instructions, a table and a figure.

    There is a link to a life expectancy table from the US Social Security Administration (SSA) and an explanation of how to use it on page PROS-A (page 13 o! f the PDF document) of the NCCN Prostate Cancer Practice Guide! lines. They recommend adjusting the ages in the actuarial table to reflect current health status. http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/PDF/prostate.pdf

    A direct link to the aforementioned SSA actuarial table is here. This table gives total expected lifetime for men of a given age. To get remaning lifetime subtract current lifetime from total lifetime. http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/STATS/table4c6.html

    Page SAO-A (page 7 of the PDF document) of the NCCN Senior Adult Oncology Practice Guidelines contains a figure with remaining expected years of lifetime for each 5 year age group as well as upper and lower quartiles. This may be a bit easier to use since it directly gives the remaining lifetime and the quartiles can be used for patients in above average or below average health. http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/PDF/senior.pdf The figure is based on [PMID: 11386931] .

  • Mortality from Common Diseases. Four charts giving the mortality from vascular disease, cancer, infection, lung disease, accidents and all causes combined given age, sex and smoking status. There are 2 simple charts: one for men and one for women and two more detailed charts again one for men and one for women. The charts are available [here] as supplements to this paper: [PMID: 18544745]. There is further discussion in [PMID: 18544738] [full text].
  • ! Charlson Comorbidity Score. Given age and which of 1! 9 diseas es the patient has (weighted by association with mortality) the Charlson Score can be calculated and a formula or tables used to calculate the 10 year survival probability. There are calculators and more info here: [Institute of Algorithmic Medicine Calculator] and here: [info] [Hall et al Calculator] and [Walz 2007]. Also see [PMID: 16770340] . This paper [PMID: 17979925] concluded that clinicians have an accuracy of less than 70% wher! eas Walz claims that his group's nomogram has an 84% accuracy on a validation sample.

  • Probability of Indolent Cancer based on diagnosis variables. Steyerberg et al published a scoring system in Jan 2007 [PMID: 17162015] (based on updating the original work by Katan et al [PMID: 14532778]) which gives the probability of indolent cancer. It uses the ultrasound and biopsy results (PSA, prostate volume, Gleason score, mm of cancer tissue in cores, mm non-cancer tissue in cores) each of which gives a number which are summed and looked up on a chart showing the probability of indolent cancer. If this probability is high then delay to treatment or active surveillance/watchful waiting could be considered. See page 2 of http://www.pcng! cincinna ti.org/2007/2007_02.pdf. As noted by Jon Nowlin the original nomogram assumed 6 biopsy cores and could give misleading results if a different number of cores were used. Nowlin has provided an Excel spreadsheet to perform this calculation which corrects for the number of cores [here] and provides explanation of it use [here]; however, a significant caveat is that "Chun et al. [6, 7, 33] demonstrated recently that nomograms developed in the sextant biopsy era may not be able to predict the probability of PCa on needle biopsy in the extended biopsy era, equally accurate as they used to in the sextant biopsy era. In consequence, many clinicians are reluctant to use tools that were developed in the sextant biopsy era [46]." [PMID: 17333203]
  • Probability of Can! cer in Suspected Patients After Ultrasound. Focusing on patients with PSA < 10 who are suspected of having cancer and so have had an ultrasound, Garzotto et al (2005) [Full Text] [PMID: 15781880&dopt] develop a [decision tree] model. Unlike scoring systems and nomograms the decision tree is particularly easy to describe. The probability of cancer was less than 5 percent except for the 4 high risk groups illustrated in the decision tree diagram or in words in the abstract. No calculator! is really required since the decision tree format is so simpl! e to des cribe. The variables used are PSA, PSA density (PSAD), existence of hypoechoic lesions, age and prostate volume in cubic centimeters. Existence of hypoechoic lesions and prostate volume are items that are available from the ultrasound. PSA density is PSA divided by prostate volume and therefore also depends on the ultrasound.
  • Probability of Recurrence after RP based on diagnosis variables Cooperberg et al published the CAPRA score system in Nov 2006 [PMID: 17039503] which gives the probability of recurrence after radical prostatectomy based only on variables known at time of diagnosis. It is based on assigning a score to each of 5 risk factors (PSA, Gleason score, clincal T-stage, no. of positive biopsy cores and age) and summing giving a number between 0 and 10 which is looked up on a chart to give the p! robability of recurrence. See page 3 of PCNG document or this UCSF material. A November 2007 study, [PMID: 17868719], validated the CAPRA score on an independent set of patients from Germany. An older 2003 recurrence table was published by Han et al [online calculator] [Full Text] [PMID: 12544300]. That table was based on a single surgeon at a single institution. Also see the discussion of d'Amico risk categories earlier on this page. We have a separate page where we discuss Biochemical Recurrence.

  • Recurrence after Salvage Radiotherapy Stephenson presented a nomogram for predicting the 6-year progression-free probability after salvage radiotherapy based on prostatectomy PSA, Gleason Score, SV invasion, Extracapsular Extension, Surgical Margins, lymph node mets, persistantly elevated post-prostatectomy PSA, pre-RT PSA, PSADT and radiation dose. See [Figure 3] of [Full Text] [PMID: 17513807]. The nomogram can also be found in slide 15 of his [ASCO 2006 presentation]. In slide 17 he shows that this model predicts better than competing models (actually he shows it has a higher concordance score which is not completely identical but it is suggestive). Also see this video of his presentation [link], his 2004 paper [PMID: 15026399] [Full Text] and his May 2007 paper [PMID: 17513807! ].
  • Probability of Survival in AIPC. Svat! ek et al published a nomogram In Jan 2006 to predict the probability of survival in androgen independent prostate cancer. [PMID: 16423446]. It uses the PSA at ADT initiation, PSA doubling time, Nadir PSA on ADT and time from ADT to AIPC diagnosis and gives the 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 month disease-specific survival probabilities. See page 3 of http://www.pcngcincinnati.org/2006/2006_08.pdf

  • Radiation Dosage Calculator The radiation dosage calculator will estimate your lifetime radiation exposure in mSv given the types and numbers of exposures. There is a separate post on radiation risks which has more information on this area! .

  • Pathology. A rule of thumb is that for each cubic centimeter (cc) of benign prostate tissue that 0.067 ng/ml of PSA will be produced. Thus for a prostate of 40cc (this is the volume of the prostate, not the volume of the tumor) one would expect a PSA of 40 x 0.067 = 2.68 ng/ml so if the actual PSA were 4.0 ng/ml then there is 4.0 - 2.68 = 1.32 ng/ml that is unexplained and might be due to cancer cells or other factor listed here. [link]. In a December 2008 paper Kato et al devised the following formulas for tumor volume (cc) and percent tumor volume as a function of PSA (ng/ml):

    Tumor Volume (cc) = 3.476 + 0.302 x PSA

    Tumor Volume (%) = 11.331 + 0.704 x PSA

    [PMID: 19060997] [Full Text]

  • Cast! rate Res istant Prostate Cancer. This calculator answers the question of whether the patient has castrate resistant prostate cancer and what the optimal treatment is. In association with this calculator readers may wish to view this presentation by Nicholas Vogelzang (papers).

  • Body Mass Index Calculator.The WHO chart shown here (also found in Box 12.3 on page 375 of the WCRF/AICR diet and cancer report and on Wikipedia - also see info on subdivisions) uses height and weight and gives an assessment of underweight/normal/overweight. Chapter 8 of the aforementioned WCRF/AICR diet and cancer report discusses fatness in general and associated risks for various cancers. An alternative to the charts is this BMI calculator.
  • Marine Corps Fitness Test. This [site] describes how to carry out and calculate your fitness using the US Marines Corps Fitness Test.
  • Meas! uring Random Fluctuations Rather than Real Effects.One ca! veat reg arding the examination of lists of hospitals is that such lists are susceptible to reporting random fluctuations as if they were meaningful confusing such fluctuations with real effects. For example, this link provides a calculator that initially assumes that 100 surgeons in each of 100 hospitals each have a 5% mortality rate among their patients and that a hospital is deemed unacceptable if its surgery rate is 60% higher than the average. Each time you click on Recalculate below the graphic there it does a new simulation showing how many hospitals will be rated unacceptable even though all hospitals are exactly the same. Paradoxically if the death rate assumption is increased to 12% then the number of hospitals deemed unacceptable decreases (!) because there is lesser variation around larger numbers. For more info on hospitals see Choosing a Surgeon Part 2 - Finding a Surgeon
  • Non-Medical Calculators. Although not related to the main topic of our site the following page calculates numerous items in the areas of personal/family (will your marriage last to its Xth anniversary? and more), fun/sports (next move in rock/paper/scissors and more), politics (predict presidential election and more), media (predict the success of a book title and more), health (predict probability of diseases and more) and money (predict how much you will have to retire and more) and economic (predict stock prices and more): [yale calculator links]

    body volume index calculator
  • Strang's Linear Algebra: homework

    In Strang, section 4.2 we're doing projections. Example A (p. 213) asks:

    Project the vector b = (3,4,4) onto the line through a = (2,2,1), and then onto the plane that also contains a* = (1,0,0).
    We're supposed to find p, the projection onto a, which is equal to x̂ (x with a little hat on it) times a. It is some fraction of a. The "erro! r" is the part of b that is perpendicular to the projection:

    x̂ a + e = b
    p + e = b
    e = b - p

    The basic equations are:

    x̂ = a • b / a • a (for vectors)
    x̂ = AT b / AT A (for matrices)

    AT A x̂ = AT b

    This comes from

    e = b - x̂ a
    a • e = 0
    a • (b - p) = 0
    a • b - a • x̂ a = 0

    Furt! hermore

    p = x̂ a
    P = A (AT A)-1 AT

    For the first part, with a = (2,2,1), we just have

    x̂ = (2,2,1)•(3,4,4) / (2,2,1)•(2,2,1) = 18/9 = 2

    p = x̂ a = (4,4,2)
    e = b - p = (3,4,4) - (4,4,2) = (-1,0,2)

    We can check that

    e • a (or e • x̂a) = 0

    Part 2

    Now we also consider a* = (1,0,0) to give a plane formed from the 2 vectors.
    We construct the matrix:

    A = [a a*] = [ 2  1 ]
    [ 2 0 ]
    [ 1 0 ]

    The fundamental equation is:

    AT A x̂ = AT b

    We could solve for , then for p = x̂ a, then for P b = p.
    Instead of doing this, Strang uses the equations:

    P = A (AT A)-1 AT
    p* = P b
    e* = b - p*

    I don't want to do the arithmetic, so we'll use numpy:!

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> a = np.array([2,2,1])
    >>> b = np.array([3,4,4])
    >>> a2 = np.array([1,0,0])
    >>> a.shape = (3,1)
    >>> b.shape = a2.shape = a.shape
    >>> A = np.hstack([a,a2])
    >>> print A
    [[2 1]
    [2 0]
    [1 0]]
    >>> Atrans = A.transpose()
    >>> temp = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(Atrans,A))
    >>> P = np.dot(A,np.dot(temp,Atrans))
    >>> P
    array([[ 1. , 0. , 0. ],
    [ 0. , 0.8, 0.4],
    [ 0. , 0.4, 0.2]])
    >>> p2 = np.dot(P,b)
    >>> p2
    array([[ 3. ],
    [ 4.8],
    [ 2.4]])
    >>> e2 = b - p2
    >>> e2
    array([[ 0. ],
    [ 1.6]])

    We confirm that e* (e2 in the code) is perpendicular to both a and a*.
    Also, for reasons that I don't understand yet, P2 ! = P.
    [UPDATE: The reason is simple. Suppose we do P b to get the projection of b in the plane. What happens if we do it again? Answer: nothing, we're already in the plane! So P b must equal P P b.

    >>> np.dot(e2.transpose(),a)
    array([[ 2.66453526e-15]])
    >>> np.dot(e2.transpose(),a2)
    array([[ 0.]])
    >>> np.dot(P,P)
    array([[ 1. , 0. , 0. ],
    [ 0. , 0.8, 0.4],
    [ 0. , 0.4, 0.2]])

    algebra homework help

    Solving equations by factoring

    We looked at mostly quadratic equations, but also one cubic equation, to see how factoring could be used to solve them using the zero factor property (ZFP). That is, if ab=0, the either a or b must be zero.

    We also looked at how the TI can be used (graphically, and with TABLE) to check our answers. Great class all, you were all great today! HW is 331: 3-17

    Solving equations by factoring

    Work Problem 5

    The following was a question a anonymous visitor asked: Jim can fill a pool carrying buckets of water in 30 minutes. Sue can do the same job in 45 minutes. Tony can do the same job in 1 ½ hours. How quickly can all three fill the pool together?

    Work problem 5 solution here

    Quadratic Equation Question Answers

    Fox 214

    Ajit Athle submitted this problem, as it neatly fits in our series on Equilateral Triangles. He said:
    "Here's a simple problem to go in your current series on ET's. In equilateral triangle ABC, we've cevians BD (D on AC) & CE (E on AB) such that 2*BE = AE & 2*AD = DC. If CE & BD intersect in P, then prove, w/o using trig! onometry or co-ordinate geometry, that AP is perpendicular to CE."
    Thank you Ajit!

    Problems on Co-ordinate Geometry

    The Trade Off: Risk-Reward vs. Probability of Profit

    When entering the realm of options spread trading, it is imperative that a trader understands probability of profit. Not only how to calculate it, but also the role it plays in the decision making process. I would hope most visitors to this blog are already cognizant of this concept, but there are no doubt newcomers to the options arena that might benefit from an overview. In my next two posts I'll review a simple method for calculating probability of profit and illustrate the relationship between increasing probability of profit and decreasing ris! k-reward. Be forewarned, there will be some math involved, so hold your head still so nothing spills out!

    As a precursor to calculating probability of profit, a trader must first understand the greek delta. One of the characteristics of delta is it calculates the probability of an option expiring in-the-money. For example, suppose stock XYZ is trading at $100 and the 90 strike put option has a delta of .20. This means there is a 20% probability that the 90 strike put will be in-the-money at expiration. Put another way, there is a 20% probability the stock price will be below $90 at expiration. Now, we can use a little arithmetic to calculate the probability of an option expiring out-of-the-money. We can all agree that there is a 100% probability of the stock price residing somewhere. If there is a 20% chance the stock will be below $90, then it stands to reason that there is an 80% chance of the stock residing above $90 at expiration. Th! us the formula for calculating the probability of an option ex! piring o ut-of-the-money is: 1 minus delta.

    Although delta can be used to calculate probability of profit on most option spread trades, I'm going to focus on vertical spreads. Remember, the four verticals are the bull call, bull put, bear call, and bear put spreads. The two bullish spreads consist of buying a lower strike option and selling a higher strike option of the same type in the same expiration month. To realize the maximum profit we want the stock to be above the higher strike price at expiration. Alternatively, the two bearish spreads are constructed by buying a higher strike option and selling a lower strike option of the same type in the same expiration month. Capturing the maximum profit on these two spreads requires the stock to be below the lower strike price at expiration. To calculate the probability of profit on a bull spread, simply use delta to calculate the probability of the stock residing above the higher strike. Conv! ersely, for a bear spread calculate the probability of the stock residing below the lower strike.

    Suppose stock ABC is trading at $50 and we enter a bull put spread by simultaneously buying the 40 put and selling the 45 put. To realize our maximum profit we need the stock to be above $45 at expiration. Using delta we can calculate the probability of the stock residing above $45, thereby calculating our probability of profit. The current delta of the 45 put is .30, implying the stock has a 30% probability of residing below 45 at expiration. We can plug this delta (.30) into our formula: 1 - .30 = .70. In addition to knowing the risk-reward of the 45-40 spread, I now know the likelihood of realizing my profit is 70%.

    For other posts on delta, check out:

    DARPA Mathematical challenges

    Via Ars Mathematica and Not Even Wrong, a DARPA-issued list of challenges in mathematics for the 21st century. Some that puzzled me:
    • Computational Duality: Duality in mathematics has been a profound tool for theoretical understanding. Can it be extended to develop principled computational techniques where duality and geometry are the basis for novel algorithms?

      I'm not sure what this is trying to say, or whether I'm reading it wrong, because the story of linear programming, primal dual schemes, and the Lagrangian is the story of using "duality and geometry as the basis for novel algorithms"
    • ! What are the Physical Consequences of Perelman’s Proof of Thurston’s Geometrization Theorem?
      Can profound theoretical advances in understanding three-dimensions be applied to construct and manipulate structures across scales to fabricate novel materials?

      Thurston's geometrization conjecture talks about the structure of 3-manifolds: i.e 3 dimensional surfaces living in higher dimensional spaces ? What kinds of materials could be fabricated using this ?
    • Computation at Scale: How can we develop asymptotics for a world with massively many degrees of freedom?

      This sounds like there's a nice computational question lurking somewhere, but I'm not quite sure where.
    Nice to see algor! ithmic origami and self-assembly also mentioned. I am particul! arly int rigued by the reference to the geometry of genome spaces.

    linear programming dual

    Linear Relationship Open-ended Questions

    I'm working on asking more conceptual, open-ended questions in order to challenge students, encourage critical thinking, utilize the "Rule of 4", and prepare students for AP Calculus level of rigor. The questions below represent my first serious attempt. Visit ilovemath.org for the full pdf.

    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    1. Give an example of a linear relationship in graphical, numeric, and analytic (equation) forms. Use the same linear relationship for all three representations.
    2. What is the relationship between the slope formula and the point-slope form of a line? (How can you derive one from the other?)
    3. How can you identify two perpendicular ! lines if they are both in General Form? (What is special about the numbers A, B, and/or C between the two equations)
    4. Why is the “intercept form” given its name? (What makes it different from the slope-intercept form?). Also, give an example of a linear relationship in intercept form and graph the line.
    5. Will 2 pair of parallel lines that are perpendicular to each other always form a square on their interior? If so, state how you know and if not, provide a counter example.
      1. If : L1 || L2 and L3 || L4 , L1 _|_ L3 and L4 , L2 _|_ L3 and L4
      2. Then: Does the interior of these lines always form a square?
    6. Given the four lines described in question 5, if you multiplied the slopes of the 4 lines together, what would be the product?
    7. Do the following four points form a parallelogram? How do you know if it does or does not. Points: (−4,0), (2,4), (−2,−3), (4,1)
    8. The table below! gives the price, the supply, and the demand, for a certain vi! deo game .
      1. Graph the points representing price & supply and the points representing price & demand.
      2. Estimate the price at which the supply of video games will equal the demand. Also estimate the quantity that is supplied/demanded at this price.
      3. What happens to the supply and to the demand when the price of the video game is higher than the price you found in part b? .... lower than the price of b?

    Linear Functions and Slope Forms

    List of Publications

    1. N. Dilna, A. Ronto. Unique solvability of a non-linear non-local boundary-value problem for systems of non-linear functional differential equations. Mathematica Slovaca, Vol. 60 (2010), No. 3, pp. 327-338
    2. N. Dilna, M. Fečkan. About the uniqueness and stability of symmetric and periodic solutions of weakly nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Dop. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukrainy, (2009), No. 5, pp. 22- 28 (in Russian).
    3. N. Dilna, M. Fečkan. On the uniqueness and stability of symmetric and periodic solutions of weakly nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Miskolc Mathematical Notes. Vol. 10 (2009), No. 1, pp. 11-40. URL: http://mat76.mat.uni-miskolc.hu/~mnotes/contents.php?number=+1+&volume=10
    4. N. Dilna and M. Fečkan. Weakly non-linear and symmetric periodic systems at resonance. Journal Nonlinear Studies, Vol. 16 (2009), No. 2, pp. 23-44. URL: www.nonlinearstudies.com/old/journal/Members/vol_16,_no.2,_2009.htm
    5. N. Dilna, A. Ronto. General conditions guaranteeing the solvability of the Cauchy problem for functional differential equations. Mathematica Bohemica. Vol. 133 (2008), No. 4, pp. 435-445.
    6. Nataliya Dilna. On Un! ique Solvability of the Initial Value Problem for Nonlinear Fu! nctional Differential Equations. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. Vol. 44 (2008), pp. 45-57. URL: http://www.jeomj.rmi.acnet.ge/memoirs/vol44/contents.htm
    7. N. Z. Dilna, A. N. Ronto, V. A. Pylypenko. Some coditions for the unique solvabilityof a nonlocal boundary-value problem for linear functional differential equations. Dop. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukrainy, (2008), No. 6, pp. 13- 18 (in Ukrainian).
    8. A. Ronto, V. Pylypenko, N. Dilna. On the Unique Solvability of a Non-Local Boundary Value Problem for Linear Functional Differential Equations. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. Vol. 13 (2008), No. 2, pp. 241-! 250. URL: http://inga.vgtu.lt/~art/
    9. N. Z. Dilna, A. N. Ronto. General conditions of the unique solvability of the Cauchy problem for systems of nonlinear functional-differential equations. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. Vol.60 (2008), No. 2, pp. 167-172.
    10. A. N. Ronto, N. Z. Dilna. Unique solvability conditions of the initialvalue problem for linear differential equations with argument deviations. Nonlinear Oscillations. Vol. 9 (2006), No. 4, pp. 535-547.
    11. A. M. Samoilenko, N. Z. Dilna, and A. N. Ronto. Solvability of the Cauchy problem for linear integral-differential equations with transformed! arguments. Nonlin ear Oscillations. Vol. 8 (2005), No. 3, pp. 388-403.
    12. N. Dilna. On the solvability of the Cauchy problem for linear integral differential equations, Miskolc Mathematical Notes. Vol. 5 (2004), No. 2, pp. 161- 171. URL: http://mat76.mat.uni-miskolc.hu/~mnotes/contents.php?volume=5&number=2#article104
    13. N. Z. Dilna and A. N. Ronto. On the solvability of the Cauchy problem for systems of linear functional differential equations with (\sigma, \tau)-positive right-hand sides. Dop. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukrainy, (2004), No. 2, pp. 29- 35 (in Russian).
    14. N. Z. Dilna and A. N. Ronto. New solvability conditions for the Cauchy problem! for systems of linear functional differential equations. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 56 (2004), No. 7, pp. 867 - 884.
    15. N. Dilnaya and A. Ronto. Multistage iterations and solvability of linear Cauchy problems, Miskolc Mathematical Notes. Vol. 4 (2003), No. 2, pp. 89-102. URL: http://mat76.mat.uni-miskolc.hu/~mnotes/contents.php?volume=4&number=2#article81


    • Nataliya Dilna, Michal Fečkan. On the uniqueness and stability of symmetric and periodic solutions of ! weakly nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Preprint of the Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. 3/2008 (July 8, 2008), 30 p. http://www.mat.savba.sk/preprints/2008.htm
    • Nataliya Dilna, Michal Fečkan. Weakly nonlinear and symmetric periodic systems at resonance. Preprint of the Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. 1/2009 (February 9, 2009), 21 p. http://www.mat.savba.sk/preprints/2009.htm


    The paper [14] N. Dilnaya and A. Ronto. Multistage iterations and solvability of linear Cauchy problems, Miskolc Mathematical Notes. Vol. 4 (2003), No. 2, pp. 89-102
    has been cited in such works:
    1. J. Å remr. On the innitial value problem ! for two-dimensional systems of linear functional-differentiona! l equati ons with monotone operators. Preprints of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. 162/2005, 53 p.
    2. J. Å remr. A note on two-dimensional systems of linear differential inequalities with argument deviations, Miskolc Mathematical Notes. 7, No. 2, 171-187, 2006, MR, ZBL MATH
    3. J. Å remr. On systems of linear functional differential inequalities, Georgian Mathematical Journal. 13(3), pp. 539-572, 2006. MR, ZBL MATH
    4. J. Å remr. On the Cauchy type problem for systems of functional-differential equations. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 67, no. 12, pp. 3240-3260, 2007. SCI
    5. J. Å remr and R. Hakl. On the Cauchy problem for two-dimensional systems of linear functional differential equations with monotone operators, Nonlinear Oscillations. 10(4), pp. 560-573, 2007. SCOPUS
    6. E. I. Bravyi. On the solvability of the Cauchy problem for systems of two liner functional differential equations. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. 41, pp. 11-26, 2007. MR, ZBL MATH
    7. J. Å remr. On the Cauchy type problem for two-dimensional functional-differential systems. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. 40, pp. 77-134, 2007, MR, ZBL MATH
    8. J. Å remr. Solvabiliy conditions of the Cauchy! problem for two-dimensional systems of linear functional-diff! erential equations with monotone operators. Mathematica Bohemica 132(2), 263-295, 2007.
    9. J. Sremr. On the initial problem for two-dimensional systems of linear functional-differential equations with monotone operators. Fasciculi Mathematici. Nr 37, pp. 87-108, 2007
    10. Z. Oplustil. On constant sign solution (nonpositive) of certain functional differentional inequality. Mathematical models in engineering, biology and medicine. Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings. 1124, pp. 274-283, 2009, SCI
    11. A. Lomtatidze, Z. Opluštil та J. Šremr. Nonpositive solutions to a certain functional differential inequality. Nonlinear Oscillations. 12(4) , pp. 461-494, 2009
    12. J. Sremr. On the initial value problem for two-dimensional linear functional differential systems. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 50, pp. 1-127, 2010.

    The paper [7] A. Ronto, V. Pylypenko, N. Dilna. On the Unique Solvability of a Non-Local Boundary Value Problem for Linear Functional Differential Equations. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. Vol. 13 (! 2008), No. 2, pp. 241-250.
    has be en cited in such work:
    • Z. OpluÅ¡til, J. Å remr, On a non-local boundary value problem for linear functional differential equations, Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. (2009), No. 36, 1-13.

    linear differential equations

    Vedic Mathematics Lesson 48: Square Roots 3

    In this earlier lesson, we introduced the Vedic Duplex method for finding square roots and solved several problems using the method. We also saw that some problems might create complications for the method. These complications were dealt with in the previous lesson. In this lesson, we will tackle the problem of how to find square roots of numbers that are not perfect squares. Along the way will also tackle the square roots of non-whole numbers.

    You can find all my previous posts about Vedic Mathematics below:

    Introduction to Vedic Mathematics
    A ! Spectacular Illustration of Vedic Mathematics
    10's Complements
    Multiplication Part 1
    Multiplication Part 2
    Multiplication Part 3
    Multiplication Part 4
    Multiplication Part 5
    Multiplication Special Case 1
    Mul tiplication Special Case 2
    Multiplication Special Case 3
    Vertically And Crosswise I
    Vertically And Crosswise II
    Squaring, Cubing, Etc.
    Division By The Nikhilam Method I
    Division By The Nikhilam Method II
    Division By The Nikhilam Method III
    Division By The Paravartya Method
    Digital Roots
    Straight Division I
    Straight Division II
    D! ivisibility Rules
    Simple Osculation
    Multiplex Osculation
    Solving Equations 1
    Solving Equations 2
    Solving Equations 3
    Solving Equations 4
    Mergers 1
    Mergers 2
    Mergers 3
    Multiple Mergers
    Complex Mergers
    Simultaneous Equations 1
    Simultaneous Equations 2
    Quadratic Equations 1
    Quadratic Equations 2
    Quadratic Equations 3
    Quadratic Equations 4
    Cubic Equations
    Quartic Equations
    Polynomial Division 1
    Polynomial Division 2
    Polynomial Division 3
    Square Roots 1
    Square Roots 2

    Before we address the issue of finding square roots of numbers that are not perfect squares, we need to deal with another aspect of the Vedic Duplex method that we have not dealt with before. In this earlier lesson, we mentioned the general rule for splitting the square into parts such that the part before the ":" was either 1 digit long or 2 digits long, depending on whether the square had an odd number of digits or even number of digits.

    In reality, the duplex method gives one a lot of flexibility in terms of how the given square is split into two parts. There are some rules we have to follow to make sure we get the right square roots though. First right the given square following the rules below:
    • If the number is a whole number, then remove the decimal point and any zeroes there may be after it. Also remove any zeroes before the number ! (what would be considered meaningless zeroes that don't make a! ny diffe rence to the value of the number)
    • If the number is not a whole number (that is, it has a decimal part), then remove any zeroes before the number (meaningless zeroes that don't make any difference to the value of the number). Add a zero if necessary to end of the number, after the decimal point, so that the number of digits after the decimal point is an even number
    What do these rules mean? They mean that before we start applying the duplex method, we need to rewrite:
    • 04857 as 4857 (remove meaningless zeroes before the number)
    • 45.2 as 45.20 (add a zero if necessary to make the number of digits after the decimal point even)
    • 0.013 as .0130 (combination of both of the above rules)
    Notice that in the previous lessons, we only dealt with whole numbers with no fractional part or zeroes in front of the number, so we were following these rules even though we did not know about them!

    Once the number is written accordi! ng to the rules above, we need to follow the rules below to split the number into two parts with the ":".
    • The number of digits before the ":" has to be at least one. The number before the ":" can not be entirely made of zeroes
    • If the ":" is placed in the whole portion of a number with both whole and fractional parts, then the number of digits of the whole part after the ":" has to be even (it can be zero, since zero is a valid even number, so you can replace the decimal point with a ":")
    • If the ":" is placed in the fractional portion of a number, then there should be an even number of digits after the ":" (once again, there could be zero digits after the ":")
    Following the above rules, we can place the ":" as below in the given numbers:
    • 40 - 40:
    • 240 - 2:40 or 240:
    • 348.4875 - 3:484875, 348:4875, 34848:75, 3484875:
    • 0.10 - 10:
    Given these rules, let us now consider the calculation of the! square root of 35988001. But instead of putting just 2 digit! s before the ":", let us take advantage of the rules above, and leave 4 digits after the ":". This gives us the initial figure below:

    ••|3598: 8 0 0 1
    10| :
    •G| :
    •N| :
    ••| :
    This is perfectly legal since there are an even number of digits (4) after the ":". We also know that 60^2 is 3600, so the highest number whose square is less than the part of the square to the left of the ":" (3598) must be 59. So, we put down 59, and it square in the appropriate places in the figure. We also set 2*59 = 118 as our divisor, and 3598 - 3481 = 117 as our remainder as below:

    •••|3598: 8 0 0 1
    ••G| :
    ••N| :
    •••| 59:
    This then gives us a gross dividend and net dividend of 1178. The rest of the metho! d proceeds exactly as before. The main difference is that our divisor is much larger, but that may actually be an advantage since we are less likely to encounter the case where the quotient goes over 9. The other important difference is that the number of digits on the answer line to the right of the ":" goes down by at least one, so the duplex calculations are not only likely to be less complicated, but also result in smaller duplexes such that it is unlikely for the net dividend to become negative. And last but not least, because there are fewer digits to the right of the ":" in the square, there are going to be fewer divisions overall (even though each division may be a little more complicated because of the higher divisor.

    Thus, a small change in the way we split up the given square into two parts is likely to have very positive impacts on the probability of encountering the complications we spent the previous lesson addressing. The main problem, of cours! e, is the difficulty that comes with division by a larger divi! sor! An d it may also reduce the complexity of the overall calculation by reducing the number of divisions performed.

    Proceeding with the method, and completing the figure we started above, we now get the following figure:

    •••|3598: 8 0 0 1
    118|3481:117 116 017 008
    ••G| :1178116001700081
    ••N| :1178107900080000
    •••| 59: 9 9 0 0
    We once again get 599900 on the answer line. Note that we did not have to limit the quotient to 9 in any step of the above process or have to reduce the quotient and increase the remainder to prevent the net dividend from becoming negative. Knowing that the square consists of 8 digits before the decimal point, we set aside 4 digits of the answer line before the decimal point, giving us a final answer of 5999.00.

    Similarly, consider the calculation of the square root of 41302432! 9. Our normal method would have us set aside the given square as 4:13024329, but we could just as easily restructure it as 413:024329 (6 digits after the ":", which is legal since 6 is an even number) or 41302:4329 (4 digits after the ":") or even 4130243:29 or 413024329:. The last 2 are almost pointless since we would spend a lot of time hunting for the highest perfect square below 4130243 or finding the square root of the given square entirely by trial and error.

    However, we notice that 20^2 = 400 is a little below 413. Thus the structuring of the given square into 413:024329 is likely to give us some advantages. Below are two figures, with the first one representing our original way of finding the square root, and the second one showing how it is done by having a larger chunk of the square to the left of the ":".

    •|4: 1 3 0 2 4 3 2 9
    4|4:0 1 1 2 1 2 1 0
    G| :0113102214231209
    N| :0113101302010000
    --------------------! ---
    •|2: 0 3 2 3 0 0 0 0

    ••|! 413: 0 2 4 3 2 9
    40|400:13 10 13 02 01 00
    •G| :130102134023012009
    •N| :130093122001000000
    ••| 20: 3 2 3 0 0 0
    Either way we get an answer line in which the first 5 digits (which is what our square root should contain before the decimal point given that the square contains 9 digits) are 20323, and the rest of the digits are zeroes. Thus our answer is 20323, regardless of whether we choose to leave 8 digits or 6 digits of the given square behind the ":".

    Notice that the rules we established at the beginning of this lesson also allow us to find square roots of non-whole numbers (expressed in the form of decimals) without any problem. To illustrate, let us find the square root of 0.18671041. Following the first set of rules, we rewrite the given number as .18671041 after removing the meaningless zero before the decimal point. We are now free to form the figure with 18 be! fore the ":", 1867 before the ":", 186710 before the ":" or the entire number, 18671041, before the ":".

    Based on the ease with which we can find square roots that are below the numbers to the left of the ":", we will go with 18 before the ":" since 4^2 = 16 is well-known and easy to calculate mentally. The resulting figure is shown below:

    •|18: 6 7 1 0 4 1
    8|16:02 02 02 01 00 00
    G| :026027021010004001
    N| :026018009000000000
    •| 4: 3 2 1 0 0 0
    Our answer line now reads 4321000. How do we determine the true square root from this answer line? In the case of numbers that have a whole part in addition to any fractional part (there are valid numbers before the decimal point in the square), we already know that the number of digits of the square root before the decimal point depends on the number of whole digits in the square as explained in thi s earlier lesson. But what should we do in the case of numbers with no whole part?

    Then we use the following rules to determine where to place the decimal point in the answer line:
    • The square root of a purely fractional number can not contain a whole part. The square root is also entirely fractional
    • If the number of zeroes right after the decimal point in the square is even, the square root will have half that number of zeroes right after the decimal point. Add zeroes in front of the answer line to get the appropriate number of zeroes if necessary
    • If the number of zeroes right after the decimal point in the square is odd, subtract one from it, and then divide by 2 to get the number of zeroes after the decimal point in the square root. Once again, if necessary, add zeroes in front of the answer line to get the appropriate number of zeroes if necessary
    Consider the square root of 0.18671041 as we calculated above. This! is a purely fractional number, so our square root will have only a fractional part. Moreover, the number of zeroes right after the decimal point in the square is zero (which is an even number). So, we divide that by two and get the number of zeroes right after the decimal point in the square root to be zero also. This then tells us that the square root we are looking for is 0.4321.

    Now consider the square root of 0.000961. First we discount the zero before the decimal point as a meaningless zero, and rewrite our number as .000961. We then see that we can not split the number as 00:0961 because the digits before the ":" can not all be zeroes. Thus, we can either split it as 0009:61 or 000961:. We will reject the last one as not very practical since we would then be trying to solve the problem by trial and error. We settle for 0009:61, and we get the figure below:

    •|0009: 6 1
    6|0009:0 0
    G| :0601
    N| :0600
    ----! ----------
    •| 3: 1 0
    We find that our ! answer l ine contains 310. Since our square is entirely fractional, our square root will be entirely fractional too. Moreover, since the square started with three zeroes after the decimal point, our square root has to start with one zero after the decimal point (we subtract one from three and divide the result by two). In this case, using the rules above, we arrive at a final answer of 0.031.

    Now that we have the basics of the method established, let us see how we can apply this to the calculation of some square roots of numbers that are not exact squares. Before we go there though, we need to figure out how the duplex method signifies that the given square is a perfect square. That is, how do we know to stop the duplex method at some point? The simple answer is that we will run out of digits in the number at the same time as our net dividend becomes zero.

    The primary indication that a number is not a perfect square comes when we find that the net dividend! does not become zero at the same time as we run out of digits in the given square. When this happens, we have to continue with the procedure by adding 0's to the right of the number on the top line of the figure (the line containing the square). We then proceed with finding the gross dividend and net dividend as before.

    Note that getting a remainder of 0 from the last division is not an indication that the algorithm has concluded. The algorithm ends only when a net dividend can be calculated, and it is zero, and there are no more digits in the square. Even if the remainder from a given step is zero, we still have to calculate the gross dividend and net dividend. If the net dividend is not zero at the end of this process, then the square root is not complete yet.

    For numbers which are not perfect squares, the procedure will never end, but we can choose to end the process after calculating the square root to the required degree of precision. In th! is lesson, we will find the square root to a precision of 3 or! 4 digit s after the decimal point in most cases. Note that the process of finding duplexes becomes more and more complicated the higher the precision we need from the algorithm since the sequence of digits in the answer line becomes longer and longer.

    We will illustrate the procedure with a few examples. First consider the square root of 2. The calculation of this famous irrational number is shown in the figure below:

    •|2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2|1:1 2 2 4 3 4 6 8 10 10
    G| :1020204030406080100100
    N| :1004120706121822014019
    •|1: 4 1 4 2 1 3 5 6 2
    We have stopped the algorithm with an answer line of 1414213562, and the net dividend has not become zero at any step in this algorithm. Several times during this algorithm, we have limited the quotient so that the net dividend does not become negative. And the duplex has steadily become larger, with the current duplex being 81. Whe! n you stop the algorithm, make sure that the net dividend you leave behind is not negative. That is why we made the last digit of the square root we have found so far, to be 2 rather than 7. A quotient of 7 would have resulted in a negative net dividend in the next step, thus telling us that it is not a valid digit for the square root. We had to reduce the quotient to 2 to get a positive net dividend for the next step, and this tells us that 2 is the right digit for the square root in that position.

    Given that our square (2) has one digit before the decimal point, we conclude that the square root of 2 is 1.414213562 to a precision of 9 digits after the decimal point. In general, we will not calculate square roots to that level of precision, but this is an illustration of the fact that the method has no inherent limitation as to the precision with which we can calculate square roots. As long as we are willing to put up with the hassles of calculating duplexes! of longer and longer numbers, we can keep going however far w! e want t o!

    By the way, the square of 1.414213562 is 1.999999998944727844, which is close enough to 2 for most practical purposes!

    Let us now calculate the square root of 32987 to a precision of 3 digits after the decimal place. We make the decision to split the number up as 329:87 based on our knowledge that 18^2 = 324, which is quite close to 329. This results in the figure below:

    ••|329: 8 7 0 0 0
    36|324:05 22 10 16 12
    •G| :058227100160120
    •N| :058226088120090
    ••| 18: 1 6 2 3
    We get an answer line of 181623, and since we know that our square root has to have 3 digits before the decimal point, we conclude that the square root we are looking for is 181.623. The actual square root of 32987 is 181.62323639887050531602222963625, and our answer is accurate to the first three decimal places (which is the precision we set out to calculate! the square root to). Also, 181.623^2 is 32986.914129, which is quite close to 32987.

    Consider the square root of 0.1 now. To comply with the rules from earlier in the lesson, we rewrite the given square as .10. We then put the ":" at the end of the given number to get the figure below:

    •|10: 0 0 0 0 0
    6| 9:1 4 3 6 4
    G| :1040306040
    N| :1039182222
    •| 3: 1 6 1 3
    We have an answer line of 31613 now. Since our square does not have any digits before the decimal point, and does not have any zeroes immediately after the decimal point, our final answer is 0.31613.

    Finally, consider the number 1.25. We can tackle the task of finding its square root by splitting it up as 1:25 or 125:. We know that 1^2 = 1, and 11^2 = 121, so either way of splitting up the number seems equally convenient. In general, when we have such a choice, it is better to take the choice that will resul! t in a larger divisor since this will usually reduce the numbe! r of tim es we need to make adjustments to the quotient to prevent the net dividend from becoming negative. Therefore, we choose 125:, and the figure below shows how the square root is derived using that split-up of the given square:

    ••|125: 0 0 0 0 0
    22|121:04 18 03 14 10
    •G| :040180030140100
    •N| :040179014076094
    ••| 11: 1 8 0 3
    We now have 111803 on the answer line. Given that our square has one number in front of the decimal point, we conclude that the square root must be 1.11803.

    Hopefully, this and the earlier lessons on square roots have made you confident about the Vedic Duplex method and all the details of how to apply the method. Hopefully the rules in this and the earlier lessons will help you to rewrite squares as appropriate, split them up correctly for the application of the duplex method, and also recover from complications you ma! y face during the application of the method itself. Finally, I hope I have made it clear how to derive the final answer from the digits on the answer line. Good luck, and happy computing!

    How to find the square of a number